The world of Casino’s

Chris Sampson
2 min readJan 3, 2021

Today we look into the world of the Casino’s the place where dreams are made and second mortgages are discussed, Casino’s are amazing places with fun sounds and the idea of doubling your money, however Casino’s are a trap, Las Vegas Casino has no clocks or windows this is so that people have no idea how much time has passed or if the sun is rising or setting, this is an incredible scheme set up so that the casino can quiet literally milk as much money out of its participants as it possible can. Now its easy to say why don’t people just stop because I know I could… Anyway the reason for it is that people don’t like to lose and then you lose once you want to make back what you lost right, well you can but then this only means you broken even you’re back at the start but you have this amazing feeling because you just won and that’s where they get you, you might feel like you’re winning but trust me you are most definitely not.

Now when did the first Casino come to be well in Italy round 17th centaury in a housing estate, It was in Venice 1638 The Ridotto was established to provide a controlled gambling environment. The odds of winning in a Casino substantially against you as with the famous coin slot machines have odds of one in 5,000 to one in about 34 million chance of winning the top prize, So games like roulette and cards are more in your favour but again still extremely unlikely of winning the top prizes.

Casino’s are a great time though but 2 things, 1.Gamble what you are willing to lose and 2. Stop when the fun stops. But remember you’ll never beat the marketing world of Gambling

