Would I Gamble?

Chris Sampson
2 min readJan 31, 2021

Now I know what you’re thinking, you’ve been saying how bad gambling is and how its not worth it, how the odds are never in your favour, well how this is true gambling can give you something I like to call a rush. So when you are gambling you can have emotions such as stress, anxiety and this is because of neurotransmitters, I know what you’re thinking that doesn't sound fun but what if I also told you that on the flip side just like gambling, you can have serotonin and dopamine released which are things that give you pleasure, happiness and excitement all the good ones. What is dopamine you might ask well its your feel good emotion that the brain produces, Dopamine is company produced when you know that food you’ve been craving all day and you finally get it or even when you’re having sex, yeah I know gambling is as good as sex, but jokes aside gambling can produce this exact same feeling. This is where I can give in sometimes as the thrill and the feelings you can get when you win are that comparable to some of the best feeling which your brain and its neurotransmitters can produce.

This is also a huge part of how these gambling companies find it so easy to bring back customers because when you have won once you wont want to lose again, trust me I know. Right imagine you have just one the lottery, you feel great but the reality is that you haven’t but if you were to the amount of dopamine your brain would produce is in comparable, you'd feel amazing and you’d be beyond happy, but if I can get a fraction of that off a coupe scratch cards, you know what why not.

But as I have said and will carry on saying is stop when the fun stops, but this was my option on gambling and if I ever would, so yes I would and I blame it on the emotion wow factor that it gives me when I win not so much the losing but that’s gambling for you, it’s a world of chance.

